EIS Acquires the Project to Supply an IAQ Monitoring System to Zayed University

Zayed University has awarded Enviro & Industrial Solutions ME the project to supply a Graywolf AdvancedSense Pro IAQ Monitoring System.

The air we breathe is very important to our health and safety. It is vital in our homes, schools, offices, and even the public places that we go to. We spend up to 90% of our time in these establishments, and sometimes we are unknowingly breathing in a great amount of pollutants

Key Technology

Graywolf AdvanceSense PRO

  • Ruggedized, Handheld Display/Data-Logging Meter; Easy-to-use and highly intuitive user interface
  • Supplied with high resolution color touch screen display; includes a broad range of advanced features such as attachment of text, audio, drawing or other note formats to logged data, on-board video help and on-site access to extensive educational information
  • Up to 32 parameters with extensive features including WiFi, Bluetooth, camera, microphone, speaker, and much more

About Zayed University:

Zayed University is a national and regional leader in educational innovation. Founded in 1998 and proudly bearing the name of the Founder of the Nation, this flagship institution has met the President’s high expectations. As a globally recognized as the leading university in the region, maintaining a healthy environment has a great impact on reputation of the institution as good air quality are vital for humans being in conducting day-to-day activity especially for students and youth.