Compact AAQMS AQM65 Delivered to Arab Center for Engineering Studies (ACES)

Enviro’ & Industrial Solutions ME recently delivered and commissioned two AQM65 Compact Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations (Compact AAQMS) to ACES Abu Dhabi & ACES Doha…

The AQM 65 is a fully integrated air monitoring station that delivers ‘near reference’ levels of performance. The AQM 65 offers the optimal balance between performance and price – measuring criteria pollutants to WHO air quality limits yet costing 3-5 x less than a traditional station based on analyzer technology.

About ACES

Arab Center for Engineering Studies (ACES) was established in Amman-Jordan in the year 1983 as a geotechnical and materials testing engineering organization. Today, ACES provides a complete range of specialized engineering services which include, additionally, quality control of projects, special studies, environmental studies and testing, and land and marine surveying.

All of ACES work is built around its commitment to deliver the best value for its clients in terms of responsiveness, consistency, quality and practical solutions. ACES main goal is to partner with its clients, understand and exceed their expectations.

ACES has a network of seventeen sister companies situated in eight countries. These sister companies are located in Amman, Aqaba, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Al-Ain, Doha, Muscat, Jeddah, Riyadh, Al-Khobar, Ramallah, Gaza, Khartoum and Sana’a. ACES also undertakes projects in other countries including Azerbaijan, Syria, Kuwait, Iraq, Angola, Djibouti, and Morocco, among others.