A Fixed Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station for Occidental Petroleum Corporation in Oman

Enviro & Industrial Solutions ME has been given an opportunity to supply a fixed ambient air quality monitoring station for Occidental Petroleum Corporation (OXY) in Oman. This is one of OXY’s projects to further monitor outdoor air in their area for knowing if they are following the standard regulatory compliance.

This project in Oman is considered a breakthrough as this can be a big step forward for environmental monitoring especially with ambient air quality monitoring.

Inside the Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station

EIS ME’s ambient air quality monitoring stations are designed to meet clients’ specifications and demands. The stations are created accordingly based on their needs.  

The monitoring station for OXY consists of the Horiba AP370 Series. The AP370 Series is a great set of equipment for providing ambient monitoring solutions. These set of devices achieve the highest levels of sensitivity and accuracy.

Comprehensive Maintenance Contract

This project with OXY also includes a comprehensive maintenance contract once the air quality monitoring station is installed and commissioned. The contract covers cost of spare parts used during preventive maintenance and breakdown calls. It is a long-term detailed agreement between the valued client and contractor. The contract duration is until 2021.

About Occidental Petroleum Corporation

Occidental Petroleum Corporation (OXY) has been producing in Oman for over 30 years, where we have steadily increased production and reserves and today are the largest independent oil producer operating in the country.

Their major operations are in northern Oman, primarily in Block 62 and at the Safah Field in Block 9, and at the Mukhaizna Field in the south. In 2016, the company commissioned a new gas plant in the Maradi Huraymah Field, part of Block 62. Occidental received a 15-year extension for Block 9 in 2017.

Aside from fixed monitoring stations, Enviro & Industrial Solutions ME also supplies and maintains mobile monitoring stations that can be used to monitor ambient air quality at numerous locations.

Construction Site in Morocco to Acquire Dust Monitoring Instrument

COFIX EPC Sarl, a construction company in Morocco, has procured a new Graywolf GW-3016A PM Monitor. This is one of the projects initiated by COFIX EPC Sarl to further monitor their business activity in Morocco. It will pave the way to a more advanced and economical environmental monitoring in Africa’s construction industries.

In a report published by Greenpeace, Morocco has been indicated among the top 25 countries worldwide causing air pollution. Because of this, it is crucial that certain contaminants be monitored to eradicate the main problem.

Benefits of the PM Monitor to COFIX EPC

COFIX EPC is a company specializing in engineering, equipment supplies and construction. COFIX has participated in many projects in the past. This has allowed them to conduct large operations in their area.

As COFIX EPC is one of the major construction companies in Morocco, it is essential to monitor the ambient air quality of the area. Monitoring their business activities help the company in various ways. This gives them the accurate information in respects to their activity, and its impacts on the health and safety of their workers, and the environment. It also provides data on their compliance with their local government regulations.

In addition, the device also assists in better project planning in the future, especially with the construction industry.  

Graywolf GW-3016A PM Monitor

The device measures particle concentration/counts as stand-alone meters or they simultaneously measure, in combination with Graywolf probe parameters. This works in conjunction with Direct II Probes. This monitor is accessible, and includes government and industry guidelines, and help videos.

Fugitive Emission Analyzer Delivered to the Royal Commission for Jubail & Yanbu

Enviro & Industrial Solutions ME through a local partner, delivered a GASMET DX4040 Portable Ambient Air FTIR Fugitive Emission Analyzer to The Royal Commission of Jubail & Yanbu, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Gasmet DX4040 FTIR Fugitive Emission Analyzer can detect up to 25 gases simultaneously providing validated results in 25 seconds. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) provides reliable measurements with low detection limits & true multi-compound analysis capability. The library of measured gases can be changed by the user through an easy to use interface, providing exceptional flexibility and ability to any measurement requirement in the field.

About Royal Commission of Yanbu

The Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu (RCJY) was established on 21 September 1975, as an autonomous organization of the Saudi Arabian Government. The Commission is governed by a Board of Directors and its Chairman reports to the Council of Ministers. The Chairman’s office in Riyadh formulates policies and oversees implementation through two Directorates General; one in Jubail and the other in Yanbu.

The mission of the RCJY is to: “Plan, promote, develop and manage Petrochemicals and Energy intensive industrial cities through successful customer focus and partnerships with investors, employees, communities and other stakeholders.” These industrial cities are Jubail, Yanbu, Ras Al-Khair and the newest project Jazan.

Ministry of Land, Water & Environment of Eritrea moves forward with Air Quality Monitoring

The Ministry of Land, Water & Environment of Eritrea has obtained one unit of Aeroqual Series 500 to manifest their plans with environmental monitoring, specifically air quality monitoring. This project is part of their key initiatives to fulfill accurate and correct air quality monitoring.

Air quality monitoring will help government institutions or other entities to know which sources of contaminants are at par. In addition, this will assist in reducing the pollution and address the problem from its root cause.

The Ministry of Land, Water & Environment of Eritrea

The main goal for the Ministry of Land, Water & Environment of Eritrea is to manage environmental sources and other factors. They have been keen with their efforts to further protect the environment in their area. Its government has long been addressing environmental challenges and has been meeting obligations under them. This initiative is focused on strengthening their existing plans on supporting environmental causes.

With this, they have moved forward with the Aeroqual Series 500 as one of the instrumentations they will use for air quality monitoring.

Aeroqual S500 – Portable Air Quality Monitor

The Series 500 air quality sensor enables accurate real-time surveying of common outdoor air pollutants, which is all in a portable handheld monitor. This monitor can also operate in control mode. Other features on the S500 include monitor ID and location ID.

The monitor can also operate in control mode. Upper and lower control limits can be easily set directly on the display. Using the 0-5V output the Series 500 can be used to switch on or off an externally connected device, such as an ozone generator, or system in the presence of a predetermined level of gas. By selecting the optional wall-mount bracket and plugging in mains power the Series 500 is effectively able to act as a fixed monitor as well as a handheld portable device.

The S500 is a convenient way to test multiple gases and particulate in the air around you.

Environmental Monitoring Instrumentation Delivered to Emirates Global Aluminium

Enviro and Industrial Solutions ME has supplied Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) with a number of Environmental Monitoring Instrumentation; Dust Monitoring Stations, Portable FTIR Gas Analyzer, Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Instruments and Vibration Meter.

Key Technologies

  • Gasmet DX4000 is a portable FTIR gas analyzer for applications where multiple gas compounds need to be accurately monitored in hot & humid sample gas. It is the world’s smallest FTIR emissions monitoring system.
  • Aeroqual Dust Sentry is a user-friendly instrument designed to provide reliable real time indicative particulate measurement of PM10
  • Graywolf AdvancedSense Pro meter runs highly advanced, very user-friendly application software. Display, data-log and annotate (on-site) a broad range of parameters with a single, rugged, cutting edge instrument.
  • Vibration Analyser (01dB VIB) is a portable, ergonomic, and very light instrument used to measure the occupational vibration, treat the signal, and transfer stored data e.g. vibration levels; signal recording; Spectrum calculation; accelerometer for SEAT measurement; etc.

About Emirates Global Aluminium

Emirates Global Aluminium is built on the proud heritage of two aluminium pioneers. We have been developing our business for decades, and today our aluminium is used to create products that touch lives around the world. From skyscrapers to smart phones, aluminium makes modern life possible– and through EGA, the UAE is a leading supplier of this ‘metal of the future.’

Our history stretches back to the 1970s, when we were founded as Dubai Aluminium (DUBAL). As the United Arab Emirates’ stature has grown, so EGA has developed to become a leader in the global aluminium industry and an industrial champion for the nation.

New Industrial Air Pollution – Perimeter Monitoring organized in ERG AFRICA

Enviro & Industrial Solutions ME organizes a new Industrial Air Pollution – Perimeter Monitoring in ERG Africa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This project was fulfilled as one of their plans to improve their ways with industrial air pollution and perimeter monitoring. ERG Africa’s initiative to advance further with environment monitoring solutions is because of the rapidly growing demand on the health and safety of workers. Industrial air pollution monitoring will help the industry in knowing the sources of contaminants, thus enabling to reduce it.

EIS ME, as one of the leading environmental and industrial process solutions providers in the region, has assisted ERG Africa’s Metalkor RTR with their plan.

Metalkor RTR as a member of ERG Africa

Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) is a leading diversified natural resources producer, nearing 70,000 people globally at operations across four continents. ERG Africa (ERGA) operates all of ERG’s assets on the African continent and has a workforce of more than 10,000.

Metalkol RTR is a greenfield, tailings re-treatment project, which is a member of ERG Africa. Metalkol RTR is set to become one of the world’s leading cobalt producers and one of the largest suppliers of cobalt to China. The aim is to produce enough cobalt to power more than three million EVs per year.

Aeroqual AQM65 as an Industrial Air Pollution – Perimeter Monitor

Aeroqual AQM65 can measure up to 20 different gaseous and particulate pollutants and environmental parameters simultaneously.

This station is also verifying industrial air pollution levels can be difficult and expensive.

These AQM65 monitors pollution hot spots and can conduct short term surveys, through a compact air quality monitoring stations for mobile, semi-permanent and permanent monitoring. These instruments can be configured to log real time data on gas, particulate, noise and weather parameters. Data can be transmitted wirelessly and accessed online via remote PC.

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations for Hassyan 2 Power Plant

Enviro’ & Industrial Solution ME has been awarded a contract to supply, install and commission three (3) Reference Method Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Hassyan 2 Power Plant, Dubai.

The 2,400MW Hassyan clean coal power station is an ultra-supercritical (USC) power plant being developed in Saih Shuaib, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Upon completion, the project is set to be the first coal-based power plant in the region.

The project has been awarded and will be done through Harbin Electric International Company Limited, one of the coal power station’s project developer.

Key Technologies

US EPA Approved Reference Method Analysers

  • Horiba AP370 Series Air Pollution Monitor (Reference Method Approved by European Agencies & US EPA) Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) and Hydrocarbons (HC)
  • Met One BAM1020 PM10 and PM2.5 Monitor

Meteorological Sensors

  • Vaisala WXT520: Wind Direction, Wind Speed, Relative Humidity, Rain, Pressure

Local Data Acquisition & Transmission and Central Reporting System

About Hassyan Coal Project

The Hassyan coal power plant is being developed on a build-own-operate (BOO) basis using the independent power producer (IPP) model.

The plant will be equipped with Alstom Energy’s (now GE) USC technology (boiler and steam turbine generator), which can burn sub-bituminous coal as well as natural gas as back-up fuel.

The flue gas emission levels at the plant will be maintained in accordance with the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) of the European Union and as per the International Finance Corporation (IFC) guidelines.

A 400kV substation will also be constructed as part of the project, which will be connected to the existing 400kV electricity transmission network. In addition, integrated transshipment coal and dry bulk handling facilities will be developed as part of the project.

Environment & Air Quality Monitoring Network to Expand in Dubai

Environmental specialists are set to have access to real-time data from additional areas in Dubai to make better informed decisions about the environment, air quality and current pollution levels before the end of this year.

The Dubai Municipality – Environment Department collaborated with Enviro’ & Industrial Solutions ME to expand environment & air quality monitoring capacity across Dubai.

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Environmental Monitoring Mobile Station Delivered to Dubai Municipality

Enviro’ & Industrial Solution ME delivered a turnkey Environmental Monitoring Mobile Station to Dubai Municipality – Environment Department. The truck-based Mobile Station is fully equipped with state-of-the-art technologies and equipment, to address the needs to monitor:

It can monitor than more than one hundred compounds including Ozone precursors and Heavy Metals, the first of its kind in the Middle East.

Related News

Key Technologies

Ambient Air Quality:

  • Horiba AP370 Series Air Pollution Monitor (Reference Method Approved by European Agencies & US EPA) Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Ozone (O3), Nitrogen Oxides (NOX), Total Hydrocarbons (THC) and Ammonia (NH3)
  • Horiba PX-375 Heavy Metals Analyser
  • Chromatotec AirmoVOC BTEX (C2-C6) & BTEX (C6-C12)
  • Chromatotec TRS Medor Hydrogen Sulphide, MM, EM, DMS, DMDS, DES, IPM
  • Met One BAM1020 PM10 and PM2.5 Monitor

Portable Stack Emission

  • Horiba PG350 (SO2, NOx, CO, CO2, O2) Analyser
  • Polaris Pollution Total Hydrocarbon Emission Monitor


  • Saphymo MiniTrace CSDF Alpha, Beta, Gamma Monitor


  • Vaisala WXT520: Wind Direction, Wind Speed, Relative Humidity, Rain, Pressure
  • LSI Lastem Solar Radiation

Local Data Acquisition & Transmission and Central Reporting System

About Dubai Municipality – Environment Department

The Dubai Municipality – Environment Department is the competent authority responsible for the protection and development of environment in the Emirate of Dubai. It functions as a regulatory agency, and among its core responsibilities include the protection of the coastal and marine environment, protected and wildlife reserve areas, management of Dubai’s air quality, and to oversee the compliance of project developments and industries with relevant environmental laws. The department is also engaged in numerous strategic projects that are intended to improve the environment and to help achieve sustainable development throughout the Emirate

Mining Company in Saudi Arabia performs Ambient Air Quality Monitoring

Ma’aden Phosphate Company, a Saudi Arabian mining company, has performed ambient air quality monitoring with an instrument from Enviro & Industrial Solutions ME. The instrument they chose to do the monitoring was the Gasmet DX4040. This is a program that will help the company with monitoring their surroundings. In addition, this will help in determining which contaminants are active and how to reduce this for human health and business activity improvements.

Ambient Air Quality for Mining Inspection

The mining industry’s air quality programs are often challenged by scarce resources, budget constraints, and compliance issues. It is essential to ensure that a certain industry is complying with local area regulations and guidelines for ambient air quality monitoring.

About Ma’aden Phosphate Company

Ma’aden Phosphate Company (MPC) is a Saudi Arabian Mining Company. MPC is a joint venture with Saudi Basic Industries Corporation and represents a USD 5.6 billion (nearly SAR 21 billion) investment, operating at two primary sites: Al Jalamid in northern Saudi Arabia, home to their phosphate mine and plant; and the Eastern Province’s Ras Al Khair, where their integrated chemical and fertilizer facility is based.

About the Gasmet DX4040

Gasmet DX4040, the portable gas analyzer, is the most compact ambient air FTIR analyzer in the world. The key features of the Gasmet DX4040 include a high sensitivity sample cell for lowest possible detection limits, true multicomponent capability and a built-in-pump, which means that there is no need to use a separate sampling system. The portable gas analyzer is also lightweight, and battery powered providing unparalleled portability for such a powerful analyzer.

The DX4040 can be used to measure up to 50 components simultaneously and addition of new measurement parameters is easy, without any need of hardware changes. The sample cell is at ambient temperature providing low energy consumption for maximum battery life while also minimizing warm up time of the analyzer.