BREEZE AERSCREEN Dispersion Screening

Air Dispersion Screening Model


BREEZE AERSCREEN is a air dispersion screening model based on the U.S. EPA AERMOD air quality dispersion model and is compatible with the BREEZE AERMOD modeling system. It will produce estimates of ‘worst-case’ 1-hour concentrations for a single source, without the need for hourly meteorological data. BREEZE AERSCREEN also includes conversion factors to estimate ‘worst-case’ 3-hour, 8-hour, 24-hour, and annual concentrations. These concentration estimates are intended to be equal to or greater than the estimates produced by AERMOD with a fully developed set of meteorological and terrain data, however the degree of conservatism will vary depending on the application.

Key Features

  • Incorporates the latest U.S. EPA AERSCREEN executable 16216, released on January 17, 2017, including enhancements for adjusting surface friction velocity option
  • Incorporates the latest U.S. EPA MAKEMET executable 16216
  • Incorporates the latest U.S. EPA AERMOD executable 16216r, released on January 17, 2017
  • Models a single source: point/stack (vertical, horizontal, capped), area (rectangular, circular), volume, flare
  • Automates receptor arrays
  • Automates BPIP model setup, execution, and importing
  • Calculates maximum 1-hour concentration at each modeled receptor
  • Conversion factors to estimate ‘worst-case’ 3-hour, 8-hour, 24-hour, and annual concentrations

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    BREEZE AERSCREEN Dispersion Screening

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