BREEZE AERMET Meteorological Data Processor

Meteorological Data Processor


BREEZE AERMET, a meteorological data processor that simplifies the process of creating AERMOD-ready meteorological data files from raw data formats. Combining full U.S. EPA regulatory compliance with an all-new user interface, BREEZE AERMET is both more powerful and easier to use than ever.

Key Features

  • Includes the latest U.S. EPA executables: AERMET 16216 and AERMINUTE 15272
  • Integrates raw 1-minute wind data automatically with the new AERMINUTE utility
  • Improves the network dongle efficiency
  • Follows modern Microsoft user-interface design standards that make AERMET processing intuitive
  • Hover over any check box, button, or blank for tooltips with helpful basic guidance and hints to help avoid common errors
  • Converts U.K. ADMS model data into AERMOD-ready format
  • Processes a wide range of surface and upper air data types: ISHD (TD-3505), CD144, HUSWO, SAMSON, SCRAM, TD3280, ADMS, TD-6405 (1-minute ASOS), FSL, TD-6201

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    BREEZE AERMET Meteorological Data Processor

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