
Online Odor Monitoring Analyser

Chromatotec VigiEnose

The VigiEnose is the first online odor monitoring analyser able to track VOC & Sulfurs at ppb/ppt levels. It is more sensitive than human nose. It is an auto GC (gas chromatograph based) with specific detector for sulfurs and VOC.


  • Automatic sampling using a loop
  • Loop injection by automatic valve on the column
  • Isothermal gas chromatograph
  • Detection of all compounds eluting from the column performed by Chromatotec’s wet cell sulfur specific detector
  • Signal provided by electrochemical reaction between the wet cell electrolyte and the sulfur

Online Odor Monitoring Applications

  • Fence line
  • Odor control monitoring
  • Deodorisation process
  • Fugitive emission
  • Process control/CIP

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