Pollution Polaris Portable TOC Analyser

Portable TOC Analyser for Stack Emission

Pollution Polaris FID

The miniaturization of the flame ionization detector (FID) and volumetric sampling system result in outstanding energy savings and thus allows the use of built-in rechargeable batteries. Pollution Polaris portable TOC analyser for stack emission ensures the highest accuracy and repeatability of sequence analysis.

The compact hydrogen storage cartridge (using an innovative metal-hydride technology) is integrated into the instrument and self-desorbs the hydrogen fuel to the flame detector at appropriate pressure and flow. It is very safe and it does not require pressure regulators; it is a very handy instrument because it allows to perform continuous analysis for many hours.

Because of its peculiarities, it can be carried by car and plane without any restrictions. It can be easily recharged in a few hours in the laboratory using a standard hydrogen tank with regulator or with a hydrogen generator at high output pressure.

The instrument is designed to be resistant to samples with high temperature and humidity: this is a typical working condition with hot samples during stack monitoring. The detector manifold, the sampling lines and all the valves are integrated into a single block and uniformily heated, in order to eliminate all possible cold spots and avoiding local sample condensation.

The instrument incorporates everything you need for analysis: batteries, hydrogen storage accumulator, pump and Activated Charcoal filter for the flame air, span gas cylinder for the calibration and technical air cylinder for high accuracy and precision. The sample inlet, with double filter, is compatible with all sampling lines on the market. It is equipped with comfortable shoulder strap for field use, also available as a front-bag.

The integrated microprocessor automatically controls several parameters: ignition and flame monitoring, setup of parameters chose by the user according to the analytical method, diagnostic checks, life monitoring of the gas cans and energy reserves, sampling lines cleaning cycles, calibration procedures.

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    Pollution Polaris Portable TOC Analyser

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