PG-350 Reference Method Stack Emission Analyser

Reference Method Stack Emission Analyser

Horiba PG-350

For situations when you can only take measurements in the field, but you want the same precision that you get in the laboratory: Horiba presents the PG-350 Reference Method Stack Emission Analyser. The PG-350 offers the same accuracy and reliability of laboratory measurements in a portable unit that can measure five crucial components in the field. It offers a faster response time than existing models and yet is 20% lighter. Warm-up time has also been cut in half to facilitate mobile measurement.

The PG-350 also has a touch screen for easy operation and a new design that protects the unit from shocks and vibrations — features that enhance its usefulness in the field. The PG-350 is the analyzer of the future — but it's here today, ready to meet the need for increasingly precise measurements with the mobility of on-site measurement capability.


  • Cross-Flow Modulation Advanced Efficiency of NDIR Analysis
  • Reduced Response Time for SO2 Analyser
  • Collecting Data over LAN Network
  • Warm-up Time Cut in Half
  • Timer Function
  • SD Memory Card
  • Screen Capture Function
  • On Screen Guidance Function
  • LCD Touch Screen
  • Real Time Analysis Using Color Trend Graph

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    PG-350 Reference Method Stack Emission Analyser

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