BREEZE Risk Analyst - Human Health Risk Analyst

Human Health Risk Assessment

BREEZE Risk Analyst

BREEZE Risk Analyst is an add-in for Esri ArcGIS designed to perform human health risk assessment modeling. It is a highly flexible and expandable GIS-based analysis platform for conducting multi-pathway human health risk assessments. Risk Analyst seamlessly combines all the necessary tools, databases, GIS functionality, and fate and transport and exposure modeling equations into an affordable and easy to use software application.

BREEZE Risk Analyst's highly flexible and modular design may be used for preparing human health risk assessments for both regulatory and non-regulatory requirements. The system is designed to provide a platform upon which to support the evolving requirements and environmental challenges of many of today's most important regulatory and non-regulatory applications.

Key Features

  • Includes the U.S. EPA Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol (HHRAP), among many other risk modules
  • Incorporates advanced error logging and numeric validation reporting
  • Contains a powerful database of the 204 HHRAP Companion Database chemicals
  • Enables users to add or import new chemicals to the database and modify existing chemicals
  • Includes a robust toolbox of results analysis and mapping features
  • Provides detailed parameter and equation descriptions
  • Enables users to import emission inventories such as the U.S. EPA Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) and the U.S. EPA National Emission Inventory (NEI)

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    BREEZE Risk Analyst - Human Health Risk Analyst

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