LFG Release

Analyze Potential Risks Associated with LNG & LFG Releases


BREEZE LFG Fire/Risk analyzes the potential risks associated LNG & LFG release from a vessel or pipeline failure as required for regulatory compliance and safety operations. This product also enables the predication of the vaporization rate and downwind vapor concentrations for explosion hazards and thermal radiation for the resulting fires. LFG Fire/Risk contains Source5, DEGADIS, and fire models, as well as an intuitive interface that guides users through entering the required and optional inputs.

Key Features

  • Model multiple release scenarios and release durations
  • Import AutoCAD .DXF, Windows® .BMP files, and .JPG files
  • Visualize model results as 2D contour plots, charts, and text summary reports
  • Develop ‘what-if’ scenarios for scenario management involving specific meteorological conditions and source parameters
  • Compatible with Microsoft Excel® cut/paste options
  • Incorporates GIS interface

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    LFG Release

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