BREEZE Downwash Analyst - Building Downwash

Understand Visually the Effects of Building Downwash in AERMOD

BREEZE Downwash Analyst

Building downwash effects in AERMOD can be both mysterious and counter-intuitive. BREEZE Downwash Analyst takes the cryptic numerical results of AERMOD’s BPIP building pre-processor and displays them in the clearest way possible. BREEZE Downwash Analyst takes the mystery out of building downwash and gives you a deeper understanding of your model results, making it an essential tool for any serious AERMOD user.

Key Features

  • Read in buildings and sources directly from BREEZE AERMOD
  • Visualize buildings, sources, and their downwash effects in 3D
  • View AERMOD/BPIP’s building calculations and overlay the building that AERMOD ‘sees’ over the user-entered buildings
  • Calculate the Good Engineering Practice (GEP) stack height for each building
  • Calculate the overall (maximum) GEP stack height and display the building and wind direction that are responsible for it
  • Display the area around each building within which a stack will be affected by downwash
  • Read outputs from BREEZE AERMOD to visualize exactly what building downwash effects took place at each individual hour of a model run
  • Show which building will be used by AERMOD to calculate downwash effects for a given wind direction
  • Visualize AERMOD/BPIP’s building grouping

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    BREEZE Downwash Analyst - Building Downwash

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