BREEZE 3D Analyst Data Visualization

Data Visualization & Analysis

BREEZE 3D Analyst

BREEZE 3D Analyst is a powerful post-processor that enables data visualization and analysis in multiple formats to help you better understand, interpret, and summarize your modeling results. It is also useful for analyzing meteorological, terrain, and concentration data. From taking a quick look at modeling results to performing a detailed source contribution analysis to generating customized graphics for a report, 3D Analyst helps you get the most out of your model results with the least time and effort.

Key Features

  • Import, visualize, and post-process data from AERMOD, CALMET, CALPUFF, Incident Analyst, and other BREEZE software
  • View results in 3D, 2D, as a time series, and in table format
  • Customize graphics easily, choose from: scale bars, map overlays, high-value markers, and contour color scales
  • Plot results in Google Earth™ (.kmz), Surfer®, or Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) formats
  • Compute averages, percentile values, and high values

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    BREEZE 3D Analyst Data Visualization

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