
Handheld Indoor Air Quality Monitor

Aeroqual S500

The Series 500 enables accurate real-time surveying of common indoor air pollutants, all in an ultra portable handheld indoor air quality monitor. Data is stored on board the Series 500 with a maximum 8,188 records available. To download the data a USB cable is supplied for connection to PC. Free PC software provided with the Series 500 takes the data and presents it in a chart or table view. Data can be downloaded and viewed in Excel.

The monitor can also operate in control mode. Upper and lower control limits can be easily set directly on the display. Using the 0-5V output the Series 500 can be used to switch on or off an externally connected device, such as an ozone generator, or system in the presence of a predetermined level of gas. By selecting the optional wall-mount bracket and plugging in mains power the Series 500 is effectively able to act as a fixed monitor as well as a handheld portable device.

Other features on the Series 500 include monitor ID and location ID. Monitor ID identifies the monitor uniquely and ensures that all data from it are tied to that monitor. Location ID can be used to tag measurements to a specific location which is helpful when sampling at a number of sites over the course of a day or week.

For those wanting to re-calibrate on site the Series 500 allows adjustment of zero and span. Together with the R42 Calibration Accessory and appropriate gas cylinders this function allows the sensor head to be fully re-calibrated without having to return it to the factory. Alternatively the sensor head can be returned to Aeroqual for a factory calibration which includes a renewed calibration certificate.

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    All 3 /01dB 0 /Accidental Hazardous Release 0 /Acoustic Camera 0 /Aeroqual 0 /Aluminium & Metals Processing 0 /Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Systems 0 /Amine Gas Treatment 0 /Aquaculture Application 0 /Aromatic Contents in Oil 0 /Aspirin Crystallization 0 /Automated Continuous Analysis of Odorous Sulphur Compounds 0 /Ballast 0 /Biochemical & Pharmaceutical 0 /Biodiesel / Glycerol Process 0 /Bioethanol Process 0 /Breeze 0 /C. I. Analytics 0 /CH4 / NMTHC 0 /Chemical Concentration 0 /Chromatotec 0 /Cl2 / ClO2 / O3 in Water 0 /Coffee & Tea 0 /Color in Oil 0 /Combustion 0 /Combustion 0 /Continuous EMF Monitoring System 0 /Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems 0 /Continuous Gas Analyser 0 /Continuous Particulate Analysers 0 /Continuous Particulate Samplers 0 /Continuous Release 0 /Dairies 0 /Data Visualization and Analysis 0 /Drinking Water Application 0 /Dust in Casthouse 0 /EHS & Air Quality Modeling Software 0 /Electromagnetic Field Monitoring 0 /EMF Strength Meter 0 /Environment Solutions 0 /Environmental Monitoring Application 0 /Explosion Damage Assessment 0 /Food & Beverage 0 /for-rental 0 /Fugitive Emissions Analyser 0 /Fuji Electric 0 /Full Distillation Curve in Oil 0 /Gasmet 0 /Glycol Dehydration 0 /H2S / COS / CS2 / SO2 / RSH 0 /H2S or Elemental Impurities in Oil & Gas 0 /Handheld Dust Analysers 3 /Handheld Gas Analysers 3 /Handheld Noise Level Meter 0 /Handheld Odor Meter 0 /Handheld Radiation Monitor 0 /Health Risk Assessment 0 /HF in Electrolytic Baths 0 /Horiba 0 /Impurities in Pure Gases 0 /Incineration 0 /Indoor Air Quality Monitoring 0 /Industrial Gases 0 /Industrial Solutions 0 /Industrial Waste Water 0 /Jam Cooking 0 /Juice & Soft Drinks 0 /K-PATENTS 0 /Kemtrak 0 /Lubrication of Base Oil process 0 /Milk & Dairy 0 /Mold & Bacteria Air Sampler 0 /Monosodium Glutamate Crystallization 0 /MRU 0 /Multi Application 0 /Noise Dosimeter 0 /Noise Monitoring 0 /Odor Monitoring 0 /Oil Pipeline Identification 0 /Oil, Gas, Petrochemical 0 /PAC 0 /PFC in Electrolytic Baths 0 /Pollution 0 /Portable Isokinetic Sampler 0 /Portable Stack Emission Monitoring 0 /Process Measurement & Control Technology Application 0 /Quenching Process 0 /Radiation Monitoring 0 /RF Personal Monitor 0 /Saphymo 0 /Sarad 0 /Service 0 /Shinyei 0 /Sintrol 0 /Sound Source Localization 0 /Specific Applications 0 /Stationary Noise Level Meter 0 /Sugar Dissolving 0 /Suppliers 0 /Tecora 0 /Testing 0 /Tobacco Process 0 /Tomato Paste 0 /TS / TN in Oil & Gas 0 /Turbidity 0 /Vibration Dosimeter 0 /Vibration Meter 0 /Vibration Monitoring Terminal 0 /Vitamin B-2 Production Process 0 /Wastewater Application 0 /Water in Oil 0 /Water Quality Monitoring Systems 0 /Wavecontrol 0 /WQMS Environmental Monitoring Application 0 /WQMS Water Treatment Application 0