
Continuous Dust Monitor

Aeroqual Dust Profiler

Designed for those who want maximum data from a single monitor, the Dust Profiler Continuous Dust Monitor provides continuous and simultaneous measurement of PM10, PM2.5, PM1, and TSP. This breadth of measurement is valuable in research and monitoring studies, and industrial applications where more than one size fraction is of interest.

The Dust Profiler Continuous Dust Monitor comprises an optical particle counter that converts counts to a mass fraction via a proprietary algorithm stored in the system firmware. Measurements are logged and reported in real-time. The Dust Profiler is configured to display and log particle mass by default. However, there is also an option to configure the instrument to record particle counts.

The particle counter uses scattered light to measure and count particles. Light from a laser diode is collimated to illuminate the aerosol sample flow. When a particle is present it scatters the incident laser light which is detected using a 60 degree solid angle elliptical mirror at right angles to the laser beam. The amount of scattered light is converted to a voltage pulse and the amplitude of the pulse is calibrated to a particle diameter. The particles are thus assigned on the basis of size to one of eight channels. An on-board temperature sensor corrects for thermal drift, and a sheath air filter keeps the optics clean even in harsh environments.

The instrument includes an embedded PC, with over 20 years of on board data storage, and two powerful software systems as standard. Aeroqual Connect is the instrument operating software. It opens in your browser so no software needs to be installed or updated. With Aeroqual Cloud you can remotely access data on any device even when your instrument is offline. There are also several options available including: wireless communications, SMS and email notifications and weather sensors. The instrument is packaged in a robust, lockable enclosure and is light enough for one person site installations. Solar shields prevent the enclosure from overheating in climates with high solar radiance.

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