Continuous Particulate Sampler
Tecora EchoPM
The ECHO PM is a 'standalone' instrument engineered also for outdoor operation in harsh climatic conditions. The wide regulation range and the accurate electronic flow sampling control in either actual or standard conditions allow the ECHO PM to fulfill the reference methods EN 12341 for PM 10 with head LVS PM10 2.3 m3/h, and US EPA 40 CFR part 50 for PM10 and PM2.5 at 1m3/h.
Supplied with the respective sampling head, the ECHO PM can be used in compliance with ISO/CD 16362 for the determination of polycycles aromatic hydrocarbon PAHs' sampling norms.
- Autonomous sampling with maximum of 2 sequential samples (optional).
- Electronically controlled flow rate in standard and actual conditions
- Wide backlit graphic display, dedicated keyboard, RS232 interface
- Permanent date and hour programming
- Sampling time with 1″ resolution, selectable from 1′ to 168 h
- Storage ability: more than 60 sampling reports
- Reduced dimensions and weight
- Sample conditioning in relation to wind speed and direction (optional)
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