Noise Testing

Quality, Reliable, Cost Effective Testing

Noise Testing

Improve the health and safety of your surroundings with Noise Testing Services from Enviro & Industrial Solutions ME.

EIS-ME will offer you reliable, measurable and accurate information to work out the noise levels and exposures in your area. This will help you in complying with noise regulations in your area with specifications for your businesses and companies.

Environmental noise exposure is responsible for a range of health effects, including increased risk of ischaemic heart disease as well as sleep disturbance, cognitive impairment among children, annoyance, stress-related mental health risks, and tinnitus (WHO).

EIS-ME provides the accurate Noise Testing Services in the United Arab Emirates, Oman and other GCC countries. Noise can be monitored, evaluated and analyzed in many situations namely; demolition sites, construction sites, pile driving, explosions (mines, tunnels, etc.), tunneling and transportation (road, rail), production factory, offices, work spaces, and others.

ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accreditation

EIS-ME adheres to quality procedures and complies with international standards.

Inhouse Calibration Laboratory

EIS-ME ensures instruments used for testing are calibrated according to factory recommendation & standards.

Qualified Engineers & Technician

EIS-ME Engineers are properly and professionally trained to deliver reliable testing services.

Advanced Environmetal Analyzers

EIS-ME uses precision instruments combined with the latest technology in every service that you require.

Professional Report

EIS-ME produces professional reports which are efficient, reliable and contain accurate & analytical data and information.

International Partners

EIS-ME boast a lineup of international partners to deliver related services required.

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