SWG200-1 Extractive Analysing System

Extractive Analysing System

MRU SWG200-1

The SWG 200 utilizes both IR and electrochemical sensors in one flexible platform. This multi-gas analyzer is a cost-effective solution to a high-$$ CEMS. This fixed analyzer system uses dual sensor technology (IR & EC) to continuously and precisely measure gas components in ppm (low) and % (high) ranges.

Basic Equipment:

  • Standardized 19″ racks are mounted in a steel metal enclosure with mounting eyelets for wall mounting.
  • The enclosure is equipped with a lockable, transparent door, plus a main
    control unit with backlit graphical LCD and keyboard.
  • The complete gas conditioning system is processor-controlled and continuously
  • The SWG 200 uses a Peltier electric gas cooler with an automatic condensate draining pump; sample gas filtration with sample flow monitoring and alarm and auto-zero calibration.
  • RS 485 for data communication and 8 channel analog outputs 4… 20 mA.
  • All important parts are easily accessible and therefore ideal to service.

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    SWG200-1 Extractive Analysing System

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