AMS Analitica AirFlow PM2.5 HVS

PM2.5 High Volume Sampler Complies with UNI-EN 14907 Norm

AMS Analitica AirFlow PM2.5-HVS

Dedicated PM2.5 High volume sampler with a suction flow of 500 litres/minute in compliance with norm UNI-EN 14907 (reference sampler).

The new impactor models have been manufactured in full respect of features published in reference norms regarding impactor for PM2.5 dust particle fractionation, with the option of simple adaptor kits for interchanging between one sampler and another for extremely easy, versatile use. All sampling phase settings are programmable from electronic programming microprocessor and sampling can be set by time, volume, cyclical sampling, sampling by quadrant sector. All reported data is memorised and transferred to the PC or optional local printer, with a choice of GSM/GPRS remote control (optional).

Thanks to the new microprocessor system, all data corresponding to set values and to sampling values beyond the graphic flow control progression can be viewed to guarantee proper sampling.

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    AMS Analitica AirFlow PM2.5 HVS

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