AMS Analitica AirCube Stack Dust Sampler

Manual, Semi-Automatic & Automatic Stack Dust Sampler

AMS Analitica AirCube

An important element of industrial processes and related environmental impact monitoring is the control of stack emissions in atmosphere, a fundamental aspect for assessment of pollutants emitted in air during production cycles. To this end, AMS Analitica manufactures an entire line of sampling devices together with a range of accessories in full compliance with the requirements of the applicable legislation.

AMS Analitica offers several options for all sampling procedures, from the basic manual stack dust sampler to the more complete automatic stack dust sampler capable of real time control of all the sampling stages related to the emission conditions. The manual sampler works efficiently in stable sampling conditions with low turbulence and uniform conditions with respect to the different measuring points on the sampling axis. The automatic sampler works efficiently even in complex and non-homogenous. From the AirCube Basic to the fully integrated AirCube HE-Iso, AMS Analitica will offer the client solutions for every possible sampling application.

The reference EN 13284-1 provide two different way about stack sampling, depending on emission conditions. The first option provide sampling with a standard probe with inserted perpendicularly into the duct filter holder to the emission flow. This option is recommended for emissions not involving humidity and with low temperature. It allows using non-perpendicular filter holders to sampling flow, reminding to consider also as part of the sampling all the collected parts ahead of the filter.

  • Stack Dust Sampling Compliant with EN-13284 & EPA 17
  • Stack Dust Sampling Compliant with EN-13284 & EPA 5

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    AMS Analitica AirCube Stack Dust Sampler

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